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Island Research Repository
Top Floor, Turner Building
Highlands Lane,
St Saviour, JE1 1HL



Positive reinforcement in probation practice: The practice and dilemmas of praise2024
Seasonal trends in European lobster (Homarus gammarus), spider crab (Maja brachydactyla), and brown crab (Cancer pagurus) populations in the Bailiwick of Jersey (Channel Islands) and the relevance to environmental and biological parameters2024
Can eDNA Analysis Provide Insights into the Blue Carbon Contributions of Invasive Macroalgae in Jersey’s Marine Environment?2024
A comparative analysis of bottlenose dolphin and harbour porpoise foraging patterns in Jersey, Channel Islands2024
The Principle Of Open Justice2023
The Law On Trade Unions, Industrial Disputes And Collective Bargaining In The Channel Islands2023
The Arbitration Of Trusts Disputes: Squaring The Circle2023
The Royal Court And Covid: Reflections2023
Aquitting The “Guilty”? Quashing A Conviction After A Guilty Plea2023
Changes In Jersey Ecclesiastical Law2023
Data Stewardship: An Introduction To A New Digital Market2022
Costs Orders In Criminal Proceedings In The Royal Court2022
Judging The Jurats: Exploring The Legitimacy Of The Jurats’ Role2022
Electoral Systems In Semi-Party Systems2022
Aspects Of Grave And Criminal Assault2022
Simple Interest: The 1962 Amendment Of The Code Of 17712022
The Law Of Unjust Enrichment In The Channel Islands: Recognising The Civil Law Strand2018
Free Movement Of Capital—The Routier Case2018
The Role Of The Attorney General As Partie Publique In Civil Cases2018
Relief In Jersey And Guernsey: Something And Nothing?2018
Litigation Funding In The Channel Islands2018
The Development Of Unjust Enrichment In The Channel Islands2018
Bust Trusts—Navigating The Hazards2018
Whatever Happened To Promulgation?2018
From Bishops To Blessings: Momentous Decisions By Trustees2018
Another Puzzling Contract Judgment2018
Survival of the Bankruptcy Cooperation Statute2018
The Attorney General’S Role In Relation To Charities2018
Remise De Biens: A Procedure Of (Un)Certain Value2018
Légitime Reform: Lessons From Different Systems Of Protection From Disinheritance (Part 1)2018
The Constitutional Limits Of Assisted Death2018
Légitime Reform: Where To Go? (Part 2)2018
Is There A “Woolf” in Jersey?2018
Whither Intellectual Property Law In Jersey?2018
The Assembly Of Governor, Bailiff And Jurats: Rise And (Near) Demise2018
The Free Movement Of Capital: The Fight To Confirm Jersey’S Third Country Status2018
The Role Of The Channel Islands In The Development And Application Of Norman Law During The Late Middle Ages And Early Modern Period2018
A Construction Of “Reconstruction”: Article 127 Of The Companies (Jersey) Law 19912017
The Barclay Cases: Beyond Kilbrandon2017
Security Interests In Investment Securities Under Jersey Law2017
Constructing A Criminal Code: Lessons For Jersey2017
Jersey’s Relationship With The UK Parliament Revisited2017
Filing of shareholders’ agreements and external documents referred to in articles of association: Jersey law and practice2017
The power of the UK to legislate for the Crown Dependencies without consent—fact or fiction?2017
Jersey Companies And The “Freedom Of Movement” In Insolvency2017
A Trial Separation?2017
Reform Of Jersey Contract Law: Practical Perspectives2017
Jersey Children: Are They Adequately Represented In Care Proceedings?2017
The Jersey Daffodil Project: Integrating nanopore sequencing into classrooms improves STEM skills, scientific identity and career development2024
Regulation for Survival: training and skills in the construction labour market in Jersey, Channel Islands2003
Discoveries from La Manche: Five Years of Early Prehistoric Research in the Channel Island of Jersey2015
The role of the channel islands in the development and application of Norman law during the late middle ages and early modern period2018
Artists on the edge of the world: An integrated approach to the study of Magdalenian engraved stone plaquettes from Jersey (Channel Islands)2020
The groundwater invertebrate fauna of the Channel Islands2015
Mortalities, amyloidosis and other diseases in free-living red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) on Jersey, Channel Islands2018
Population ecology of the red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in a fragmented woodland ecosystem on the Island of Jersey, Channel Islands2002
A new view from La Cotte de St Brelade, Jersey2014
Pre-vegetation alluvial fan facies and processes: an example from the Cambro-Ordovician Rozel Conglomerate Formation, Jersey, Channel Islands2005
The archaeology of persistent places: the Palaeolithic case of La Cotte de St Brelade, Jersey2016
High level shore features of Jersey (Channel Islands) and adjacent areas2010
Chronostratigraphy and ecology of two Middle and Upper Pleistocene sites (Jersey,Channel Islands)2018
Tourism industry responses to public-private partnership arrangements for destination management organisations in small island economies: a case study of Jersey, Channel Islands2012
Stepping Stones to the Neolithic? Radiocarbon Dating the Early Neolithic on Islands Within the ‘Western Seaways’ of Britain2017
Jersey, Guernsey and English Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction under Henry VII2024
The Digital Privacy Laws and Practices in the Jersey Island2016
A high-resolution radar experiment on the island of Jersey2007
Jersey: The development of an island cultural strategy2007
Anthem for Jersey: Music, Media and Politics in an Island Setting2015
‘Genuine Jersey’: Branding and Authenticity in a Small Island Culture2012
“Encountering Urbanization on Jersey: Development, Sustainability, and Spatiality in a Small Island Setting”2016
THE MOORING SCARS OF JERSEY: Examining the extent of block and chain mooring damage to seagrass in St. Catherine’s Bay, and the influence of mooring depth and location2023
Analysis of the Fragmented Woodlands in the Island of Jersey2023
Statistical Analysis of the distribution and herbivory pressure on holm oak trees in Les Blanches Banques2023
Analysis of the long-term effects of abiotic factors on Jersey’s Agile Frog (R. dalmatina) population2023
Analysis of grazing on a dune system: Are Manx Loaghtan sheep suitable for management of Quercus ilex (holm oak) at Les Blanches Banques, Jersey, Channel Islands?2023
Apparent lack of sex ratio change due to anthropogenic pressures in Jersey grass snakes2023
A comparative study of the biomass and density of seagrass beds in Jersey, Channel Islands2023
Risk and need assessment in British probation: the contribution of LSI-R2007
Evidence-based Probation in a Microstate2007
What Works in Jersey: The First Ten Years2002
Evaluating the role of the parish hall enquiry2004
The bailiff’s role as guardian of the constitution2020
The role of attorney general as titular head of Jersey’s honorary police2020
The role of the attorney general as Jersey’s chief prosecutor2020
Binding precedent in the Channel Islands2020
Gross negligence manslaughter in Guernsey law2020
Communes and common land in Jersey2020
Legislation for a pandemic in Guernsey2020
Cross-border insolvency and arbitration2020
Asylum applications in Jersey and removal to safe countries2020
Too much information: Why did the UK get it wrong?2021
The bailiffs duel role and the seperation of powers2021
The recognition of smart contracts in Jersey2021
Beyond protocol 3: A rule-book for EU/Channel Islands Trade2021
The Royal Court and the Parishes of Jersey2021
Unjust enrichment and an ‘ancient’ Guernsey Tort2021
Why did the UK get it wrong? A reply2021
The Jersey voting system2021
Locality, legitimacy and the limits of diversion: Reviewing youth justice in Jersey2021
Supervision Skills for Probation Practitioners2019
What matters is what you do: The rediscovery of skills in probation practice2018
Moving Away from Social Work and Half Way Back Again: New Research on Skills in Probation2016
Jersey Revisited: reflections on the influence of a policy review on youth justice in an island microstate2015
The impact of skills in probation work: A reconviction study2014
Probation in Europe: Jersey Probation and After Care Service (JPACS)2014
Skills and Training in British Probation: A Tale of Neglect and Possible Revival2013
The Jersey Supervision Skills Study2012
Observing Interview Skills: a manual for users of the Jersey Supervision Interview Checklist2012
Offender Engagement Research Bulletin2011
Youth Justice in Jersey: Options for change2010
The conduct and effectiveness of parish hall enquires2005
The Origins and History of Jersey’s Honorary Police2014
Risks, Needs and Re-offending: Evaluating the Impact of Community Sentences in Jersey2001
Community Sentences and their Outcomes in Jersey: the fourth report2015
Community Sentences and their Outcomes in Jersey: the third report2009
Community sentences in Jersey: Risk, Needs and Rehabilitation2004
Purple Dewplant Management Techniques: The Effectiveness of Removal and Impacts on Native Flora Regrowth, in the Coastal Sand Dunes of Jersey, Channel Islands2023
Assessing the European hedgehog’s (Erinaceus europaeus) status, behavioural activity and home ranges in a rurual and urban setting, with specific interest on the island of Jersey, UK2023
Assessing the distribution and future introduction probability of macroalgae in the English Channel Islands.2023
The Influence of Bait on Species Observations Using Baited Remote Underwater Videos in Portlet Bay, Jersey, Channel Islands2023
Macroalgae and Blue Carbon: Understanding the Impact of Environmental Variables on the Rate of Growth and Carbon Content in Kelp (Laminaria digitata and Laminaria hyperborea)2023
An investigation into the subtidal species and habitats of a newly established No-Take-Zone, Portelet Bay, Jersey, Channel Islands.2023
The impact of block and chain swing mooring damage to the seabed within seagrass (Zostera marina) meadows; Jersey, Channel Islands2023
An interpretative phenomenological study exploring the lived experiences of women who have succeeded into senior leadership positions2023
Turning out the lights: the importance of digital health resilience2021
The Era of Immersive Health Technology2020
Atrial fibrillation prevalence and predictors in patients with diabetes: a cross-sectional screening study2022
The influence of forest composition on bat species diversity and abundance2021
Anthropogenic disturbance and tree diversity in selective woodlands in Jersey, Channel Island, United Kingdom.2021
Effects and Effectiveness of Supplementary Feeding: an evaluation of population and behaviour patterns in Cirl bunting Emberiza cirlus on Jersey.2021
Colour polymorphism and substrate preferences of the blue-winged grasshopper oedipoda caerulescens on Jersey, Channel Islands2021
The influence of habitat and forest structure on red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris distribution in Jersey2021
A consideration of small marine gulfs as biogeographic habitat islands using a case study of the Normano-Breton Gulf2021
Self-Selection all the Way: Improving Patients’ Pain Experience and Outcomes on a Pilot Breathworks Mindfulness for Health Programme2017
A Mindfulness for Health Programme at the Pain Clinic: Adding Value for money2016
Evaluating the Immediate Effectiveness of an Outpatient Pain Management Programme on Pain Related Interference: Outcomes from a Discrete Island-Based Chronic Pain Population.2012
The Impact of a Jersey Health Campaign on Fentanyl Prescribing after a Cluster of Six Deaths Caused by Fentanyl Patch Abuse and the Subsequent Cessation of Further Fatalities2010
Evaluation of the Service Provision of Cognitive Screening for Multiple Sclerosis in a discrete Jersey-based population.2015
Full mindfulness-teacher training pathway and courses on pain management programmes: why it may all be worth it2022
Online Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy for Chronic Pain: A Pilot-Controlled Trial 2023
Jersey’s 2022 general election2023
Jersey’s political system2023
Jersey’s constitution2023
Election turnout in Jersey2023
Improving Children’s experiences of school immunisations2017
Lockdown Stories: How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected our mental health and wellbeing in Jersey?2021
A brief overview and comparison of the benefits of MPAs and NTZs2022
Understanding the Importance of Blue Carbon2022
Ecology and Management of the Top 3 Economically Important Plant Parasitic Nematodes: Root-knot (Meloidogyne spp.) Cyst (Heterodera spp. and Globodera spp.) and Root Lesion (Pratylenchus spp.) Nematodes.2023
A sound observation? The highs and lows of acoustic monitoring of bats at a landscape- scale.2022
Future-proofing fisheries: is increasing sea temperature altering commercial decapod crustacean catch in the bailiwick of jersey?2022
Investigating the carbon sequestration potential of seagrass (Zostera spp.) in St. Catherine’s Bay, Jersey2022
Identifying and predicting significant Eunicella verrucosa communities in Jersey through Citizen Science data gathering methodology.2022
Stakeholders’ Knowledge: Effects of Sea Level Rise on Biodiversity and Mainstreaming Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Southeast Coast Ramsar, Jersey2022
Eunicella verrucosa; the overlooked ecosystem contributor2022
Investigating Body Condition, Autotomy, and the Blue-spotted morph in Slow-worms (Anguis fragilis) in Jersey Populations: Habitat, Intersex and Ontogenetic Variation2023
First report of the proportionality of Potato Cyst Nematodes Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida in Jersey, Channel Islands.2022
Population assemblages of seaweeds and gastropods in the East and West of Portelet Bay No-Take Zone2022
Understanding Decapod Crustacean Responses to Sea Temperature Change2023
Mental Health Peer Support: Does Empowerment and Belonging Aid Recovery?2023
A study of the impact that charitable support has on the mental health of carers in Jersey.2023
The experience of COVID-19 “lockdown” for people with a learning disability: results from surveys in Jersey and Guernsey2021
Call me maybe? Kuhl’s and Nathusius’ pipistrelles’ calls and the future challenges for classifiers2022
Jersey’s Geodiversity2020
A quantative assessment of Jersey’s Geodiversity2020
Population viability analysis of the current and potential management strategies for populations of the agile frog (Rana dalmatina) in Jersey, Channel Islands2020
Temporal patterns of dolphins across the Channel Islands2020
An exploration of the impact of treatment decision making on men diagnosed with localised prostate cancer in an island setting2020
Teacher’s Perceptions and Practices with Regards to Understanding Emotional Intelligence Amongst Primary School Aged Children2023
To explore the importance of partnership working with parents throughout a primary school setting.2023
Is there a correlation between the home-school relationship and Multilingual Learners’ (MLL) educational attainment? A study to explore the support offered to MLL parents in Jersey by schools and class teachers, regarding their children’s learning2023
An evaluation of resources and training accessible to primary school teachers in Jersey supporting multilingual learners (MLL) 2023
Risky free-play of children attending low vs high socioeconomic status schools: investigating the accessibility to risk that primary school-aged children have during their free-time.2023
Parental narratives on children’s palliative care: the what, where and how?2017
Local needs assessment 2022 – Jersey2022
How did we end up here? A qualitative exploration of the experiences of homeless men and women on a small but affluent island2019
The Impact Digital Technology Has on Children and Young People’s Development and Learning 2023
In their own performance: an ethnographic study of mothers’ accounts of interactions with professionals at a children’s centre2018
The relationship between diet and selected anthropometric measurements of pregnant women in Jersey, UK and the birth status of the newborn. Cross-cultural study2022
The brown seaweeds of Jersey, Channel Islands2021
The brown seaweeds of Jersey: An intertidal blue carbon assessment2021