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Youth Justice in Jersey: Options for change


The Report is grounded in the wider research on youth justice and a review of the
services offered to young people who break the law in Jersey. Accordingly, two
questions are posed. Firstly, what does research tell us about the essential
principles that should underpin ethical and effective practice with young people?
Secondly, how can these general underpinning principles be applied and
strengthened in the specific context of Jersey? The main Report duly
summarises the salient messages arising from research in the relevant policy
domains and key stages of the criminal justice process before proceeding to the
consideration of specific options and recommendations in respect of Jersey.

Categories Law, Social science
Keywords After Care Service, Community Sentences, Needs, Probation, Rehabilitation
Author Brian Heath, Eddie Isles, Jonathan Evans, Peter Raynor
Date published 2010
Document type Report
Organisation Jersey Probation and After-Care Service
IRR Code IRR/JPACS/2010.43826
File Type pdf