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Constructing A Criminal Code: Lessons For Jersey


This paper offers a commentary on some of the issues which potential codifiers of criminal law may have to determine. Drawing on several code projects in the traditionally “common law” world, as well as the author’s experience as a member of the group which drafted a criminal code for Scotland, it considers the extent to which the process of codification ought largely to restate the current law, as opposed to attempting law reform; assesses different ways of structuring codes and of drafting provisions; stresses the importance of accurate offence labelling, and considers the relationship between a code and the common law.

Categories Law, Social science
Keywords Criminal Code Drafting, Criminal Law Codification, Law Reform in Codification, Offence Labelling, Scotland Criminal Code
Author Pamala Ferguson
Date published 2017
Document type Report
Organisation Jersey and Guernsey Law Review
IRR Code IRR/JGLR/2017.44034
File Type pdf