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A new view from La Cotte de St Brelade, Jersey


Did Neanderthal hunters drive mammoth herds over cliffs in mass kills? Excavations at La Cotte de St Brelade in the 1960s and 1970s uncovered heaps of mammoth bones, interpreted as evidence of intentional hunting drives. New study of this Middle Palaeolithic coastal site, however, indicates a very different landscape to the featureless coastal plain that was previously envisaged. Reconsideration of the bone heaps themselves further undermines the ‘mass kill’ hypothesis, suggesting that these were simply the final accumulations of bone at the site, undisturbed and preserved in situ when the return to a cold climate blanketed them in wind-blown loess.

Categories Archaeology, Island studies
Keywords bathymetric survey, Channel Islands, Jersey, mammoth hunting, mass kill, Middle Palaeolithic, Neanderthal
Author Andrew Shaw, Beccy Scott, Chantal Conneller, Geoff Smith, Martin Bates, Matt Pope, Richard Bates
Date published 2014
Document type Report
Organisation Antiquity Publications Ltd
IRR Code IRR/APL/2014.43981
File Type pdf