Although the term blue carbon has been created around two decades (Lovelock and Duarte, 2019, Nelleman et al., 2008), scientists have already started to do research on the carbon cycle hundred years ago (Falkowski et al., 2000). Blue carbon mainly includes organic and...
Investigating the carbon sequestration potential of seagrass (Zostera spp.) in St. Catherine’s Bay, Jersey
Countries have more and more policies related to zero carbon emissions because 2050 year is getting closer and closer. Carbon emission reduction and carbon removal are the two main ways for countries to achieve zero emissions. In addition to domestic policies, there...
THE MOORING SCARS OF JERSEY: Examining the extent of block and chain mooring damage to seagrass in St. Catherine’s Bay, and the influence of mooring depth and location
Seagrass meadows are one of the most threatened habitats in the world and declines in seagrass have been seen globally. Traditional block and chain moorings are contributing to this loss worldwide. Using aerial images of Jersey, the extent of the damage from moorings...
A comparative study of the biomass and density of seagrass beds in Jersey, Channel Islands
Seagrasses provide a variety of ecosystem functions within the marine environment. Recently, an increasing interest has been shown in the Blue Carbon potential of seagrass meadows. As these plants sequester more carbon than they omit, they are classed as carbon sinks...
Assessing the distribution and future introduction probability of macroalgae in the English Channel Islands.
When species are brought by humans to environments they are not naturally found in, they are designated as introduced or invasive depending on whether they have a harmful impact. Invasive species- and specifically invasive algae- can have adverse effects on their new...
The impact of block and chain swing mooring damage to the seabed within seagrass (Zostera marina) meadows; Jersey, Channel Islands
Boating activities, such as moorings, anchors and boat propellers, are one of the leading threats to seagrass meadows and the ecosystem services they provide. Mooring damage to seagrass, Zostera marina, beds has been recorded across its distribution. Evidence of this...