Global sea surface temperature (SST) has risen ~0.13°C per decade over the 20th century. Ocean warming is strongest in the north-east Atlantic around the UK where SST is increasing approximately six times faster than the global average. Particularly prone to this...
Investigating the carbon sequestration potential of seagrass (Zostera spp.) in St. Catherine’s Bay, Jersey
Countries have more and more policies related to zero carbon emissions because 2050 year is getting closer and closer. Carbon emission reduction and carbon removal are the two main ways for countries to achieve zero emissions. In addition to domestic policies, there...
Jersey’s Geodiversity
Geodiversity as a discipline is increasingly being included in the assessment and management of natural and cultural environments (Zwolinski, 2017). It has a strong influence on biodiversity (Hjort, Heikkinen and Luoto, 2012; Gray, Gordon and Brown, 2013) and is...
A quantative assessment of Jersey’s Geodiversity
Geodiversity is an effective new tool in land management and conservation. It generally consists of four principle components: geology, geomorphology, pedology (soils) and hydrology. This study quantified and displayed the spatial distribution of Jersey’s geodiversity...
Population viability analysis of the current and potential management strategies for populations of the agile frog (Rana dalmatina) in Jersey, Channel Islands
The “Anthropocene” era has seen accelerated extinction rates across all taxa that threaten global communities, justifying a high priority for studies into the causes and extent of the crisis. Amphibians are globally the most at risk taxa, and face a number of threats,...