With expanding human populations and rising consumer demands driving the climate crisis, there has never been a greater need for innovative climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. Although a relatively new science, blue carbon has become increasingly...
Analysis of the long-term effects of abiotic factors on Jersey’s Agile Frog (R. dalmatina) population
Rana dalmatina has an extensive range spanning Europe and Northern Turkey (Ward et al., 2016). However, throughout the British Isles, R. dalmatina is only found on Jersey, accounting for one of the three native amphibian species, along with Bufo spinosus and...
Effects and Effectiveness of Supplementary Feeding: an evaluation of population and behaviour patterns in Cirl bunting Emberiza cirlus on Jersey.
Aim: Supplementary feeding is a common strategy used in conservation of vulnerable populations. However, for supplementary feeding to be most effective, it should be undertaken as a strategic conservation approach, and include regular evaluation of the strategy’s...
The influence of habitat and forest structure on red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris distribution in Jersey
To investigate Jersey's local red squirrel population distribution in relationship to forest parameters, I conducted field surveys in late autumn and collected field data in three sites, namely: The Railway Walk, St. Peter's Valley and Catherine's Woods. Ten 10m x 10m...
Eunicella verrucosa; the overlooked ecosystem contributor
Islands, from a biogeographical perspective, play an important role in highlighting how the processes involved in the formation and changes of a landmass affects a species ‘descent with modification’ (Zaffos et al, 2017). It was Charles Darwin who began the ongoing...