The introduction and population increase of a particular plant species can be both beneficial, and detrimental to an ecosystem depending on how the population is managed, as in the case of Le Blanche Banques, which faces potential ecological succession due to the...
Analysis of the long-term effects of abiotic factors on Jersey’s Agile Frog (R. dalmatina) population
Rana dalmatina has an extensive range spanning Europe and Northern Turkey (Ward et al., 2016). However, throughout the British Isles, R. dalmatina is only found on Jersey, accounting for one of the three native amphibian species, along with Bufo spinosus and...
Analysis of grazing on a dune system: Are Manx Loaghtan sheep suitable for management of Quercus ilex (holm oak) at Les Blanches Banques, Jersey, Channel Islands?
Les Blanches Banques is a sand dune system in Jersey, Channel Islands which is facing successional development due to over-scrubbing and the encroachment of holm oak from an escarpment to the south of the site. Manx Loaghtan sheep, considered a near relative of the...
Apparent lack of sex ratio change due to anthropogenic pressures in Jersey grass snakes
The grass snake (Natrix helvetica), is Least Concern Europe-wide. However, it is rare on Jersey and is the island’s most threatened reptilian. A 2017 thesis studied the Jersey grass snake population, sampled in western Jersey. However, the sex ratio of the observed...
A comparative study of the biomass and density of seagrass beds in Jersey, Channel Islands
Seagrasses provide a variety of ecosystem functions within the marine environment. Recently, an increasing interest has been shown in the Blue Carbon potential of seagrass meadows. As these plants sequester more carbon than they omit, they are classed as carbon sinks...
Assessing the distribution and future introduction probability of macroalgae in the English Channel Islands.
When species are brought by humans to environments they are not naturally found in, they are designated as introduced or invasive depending on whether they have a harmful impact. Invasive species- and specifically invasive algae- can have adverse effects on their new...