This study investigated bottlenose dolphin and harbour porpoise spatial and temporal foraging patterns in the Channel Islands, with a particular focus on Jersey's waters. Through analysis of cetacean foraging behaviours using Chelonia’s Full-Waveform Capture Porpoise...
Population ecology of the red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in a fragmented woodland ecosystem on the Island of Jersey, Channel Islands
The Channel Island of Jersey is 116 km2 but has only 540 ha of woodland distributed in 237 wooded fragments with mean size of 2.5 ha. Despite this, the island supports 300 to 600 red squirrels Sciurus vulgaris, a species that is under threat in mainland Britain from...
Chronostratigraphy and ecology of two Middle and Upper Pleistocene sites (Jersey,Channel Islands)
Thanks to their coastal location on what is now an island on the continental shelf, the two early Middle Palaeolithic sites of La Cotte à la Chèvre and La Cotte de St Brelade are especially sensitive to environmental change. The former is a small sea-cave cut during a...
Jersey, Guernsey and English Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction under Henry VII
Papal bulls transferring jurisdiction over the Channel Islands from the bishopric of Coutances (Normandy) first to the diocese of Salisbury and then to Winchester have an important place in the historiography of the allegedly centripetal forces of royal and...
THE MOORING SCARS OF JERSEY: Examining the extent of block and chain mooring damage to seagrass in St. Catherine’s Bay, and the influence of mooring depth and location
Seagrass meadows are one of the most threatened habitats in the world and declines in seagrass have been seen globally. Traditional block and chain moorings are contributing to this loss worldwide. Using aerial images of Jersey, the extent of the damage from moorings...
Analysis of the Fragmented Woodlands in the Island of Jersey
In 2019 a Jersey NGO ‘Planting for the Planet’ commissioned a full survey of Jersey’s woodlands for the purposes of producing a report detailing the current conditions of the fragmented woodland patches in Jersey. The aim was to document current carbon sequestration,...