The Channel Islands are a small archipelago of British dependencies just off the coast of Normandy at the western end of the English Channel. There were only three records for stygobitic Crustacea [Niphargus fontanus Bate, 1859 and N. kochianus Bate, 1859 from Jersey...
Stepping Stones to the Neolithic? Radiocarbon Dating the Early Neolithic on Islands Within the ‘Western Seaways’ of Britain
The western seaways – an arc of sea stretching from the Channel Islands in the south, up through the Isles of Scilly, the Isle of Man, and the Outer Hebrides to Orkney in the north – have long been seen as crucial to our understanding of the processes which led to the...
A high-resolution radar experiment on the island of Jersey
A very high-resolution X-band vertically pointing weather radar was deployed in the island of Jersey, UK, from February to May 2004, to study the variation of the vertical reflectivity of precipitation (VPR) in this region. Intercomparison studies were carried out...
A brief overview and comparison of the benefits of MPAs and NTZs
Marine Protected Area (MPA) is a significant instrument for fisheries management and conservation. MPAs can safeguard habitat, and ecological processes as well as species diversity, their abundance, size, and densities. In a No-Take Zone (NTZ), these environmental and...
Understanding the Importance of Blue Carbon
Although the term blue carbon has been created around two decades (Lovelock and Duarte, 2019, Nelleman et al., 2008), scientists have already started to do research on the carbon cycle hundred years ago (Falkowski et al., 2000). Blue carbon mainly includes organic and...
A sound observation? The highs and lows of acoustic monitoring of bats at a landscape- scale.
This project aimed to collect recordings of two species of bat within Jersey, Nathusius’ pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii) and Kuhl’s pipistrelle (Pipistrellus kuhlii), aiding identification of these species which overlap in call frequency. Recordings were uploaded...