This Local Needs Assessment is the first to be undertaken in Jersey by a non-Government organisation and provides a baseline from which JCF can: better target and allocate funding to address the needs of the Island, assess progress over time, build a stronger story...
Stepping Stones to the Neolithic? Radiocarbon Dating the Early Neolithic on Islands Within the ‘Western Seaways’ of Britain
The western seaways – an arc of sea stretching from the Channel Islands in the south, up through the Isles of Scilly, the Isle of Man, and the Outer Hebrides to Orkney in the north – have long been seen as crucial to our understanding of the processes which led to the...
Jersey, Guernsey and English Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction under Henry VII
Papal bulls transferring jurisdiction over the Channel Islands from the bishopric of Coutances (Normandy) first to the diocese of Salisbury and then to Winchester have an important place in the historiography of the allegedly centripetal forces of royal and...